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Trinity has numerous opportunities for every age to share their gifts through music.

Children's choir


Trinity has numerous opportunities for every age to share their gifts through music.




Children's choir with rainbows

Kids for Christ

Kids for Christ

Kids for Christ (KFC) is a music group for children in Grades 1–6. Bringing together students from Faith Friends  and GAP, KFC rehearses at 5 p.m. on Wednesdays during the school year to prepare to lead music in various worship services. Emphasis is placed on teaching children how they fit into the overall worship experience through musical expression. Join us for outrageous fun!

Children's handbell choir

Celebration Ringers

Celebration Ringers

This hand bell choir is for young ringers and other beginners. Ringers in Grades 4 and above learn the basics of playing hand bells. They meet in the Bell Room (207) at 5:45 p.m. on Wednesdays during the school year and play in worship services as scheduled.

Kids for Christ

Kids for Christ

Kids for Christ (KFC) is a music group for children in Grades 1–6. Bringing together students from Faith Friends  and GAP, KFC rehearses at 5 p.m. on Wednesdays during the school year to prepare to lead music in various worship services. Emphasis is placed on teaching children how they fit into the overall worship experience through musical expression. Join us for outrageous fun!

Celebration Ringers

Celebration Ringers

This hand bell choir is for young ringers and other beginners. Ringers in Grades 4 and above learn the basics of playing hand bells. They meet in the Bell Room (207) at 5:45 p.m. on Wednesdays during the school year and play in worship services as scheduled.

Kids for Christ

Kids for Christ

Kids for Christ (KFC) is a music group for children in Grades 1–6. Bringing together students from Faith Friends  and GAP, KFC rehearses at 5 p.m. on Wednesdays during the school year to prepare to lead music in various worship services. Emphasis is placed on teaching children how they fit into the overall worship experience through musical expression. Join us for outrageous fun!

Celebration Ringers

Celebration Ringers

This hand bell choir is for young ringers and other beginners. Ringers in Grades 4 and above learn the basics of playing hand bells. They meet in the Bell Room (207) at 5:45 p.m. on Wednesdays during the school year and play in worship services as scheduled.

Kids for Christ

Kids for Christ

Kids for Christ (KFC) is a music group for children in Grades 1–6. Bringing together students from Faith Friends  and GAP, KFC rehearses at 5 p.m. on Wednesdays during the school year to prepare to lead music in various worship services. Emphasis is placed on teaching children how they fit into the overall worship experience through musical expression. Join us for outrageous fun!

Celebration Ringers

Celebration Ringers

This hand bell choir is for young ringers and other beginners. Ringers in Grades 4 and above learn the basics of playing hand bells. They meet in the Bell Room (207) at 5:45 p.m. on Wednesdays during the school year and play in worship services as scheduled.

Older woman

Meet the Director

Lori Henks,​ Coordinator of Children's ​Music Ministries / Pianist

Connect with us and stay informed.

I joined Trinity’s ministry team in July of 2014, where I serve as the Coordinator of Children’s Music Ministries. I direct the children’s vocal choir (Kids for Christ) and beginners hand bell choir (Celebration Ringers).

I also play piano in the traditional worship services every Sunday and ring with the adult bell choir (Tower Bells).


Meet the Director

Lori Henks, ​Coordinator of Children's ​Music Ministries / Pianist

I joined Trinity’s ministry team in July of 2014, where I serve as the Coordinator of Children’s Music Ministries. I direct the children’s vocal choir (Kids for Christ) and beginners hand bell choir (Celebration Ringers).

I also play piano in the traditional worship services every Sunday and ring with the adult bell choir (Tower Bells).