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Small Groups

Small, intimate groups sharing and learning together. A place to belong.

Life Lessons

Wed. / 6:30 p.m. / Rm. 215

Life Lessons

This is a small group that examines a variety of topics including parenting, mindfulness, finance and more. All are invited to attend whatever sessions they choose. 

Bible Studies

Tues. / 6:30 p.m. / Rm. 102

Bible Studies

Disciple Bible Studies are focused learning opportunities offered throughout the year. This group is currently hosting a 34-week Disciple I series.

Tai Chi Class

Tues. & Thurs. / 5:30 p.m.

Tai Chi

We offer a variety of opportunities for health and wellness by hosting Tai Chi classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

A minimal fee is charged for each class session. 

Support Groups

Held Monthly

Support Groups

Our Support Groups offer a safe, comforting, and encouraging environment for those who are touched by cancer or grief. Visit our Support Groups page for more information.


Mon. / 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 


Our Men's and Women's Emmaus groups seek to develop leaders for the Church. Emmaus inspires, challenges, and equips participants for Christian action. Group members are those who have experienced the Christian retreat called “The Walk to Emmaus." 

Young Adult

Sun. / 9:45 a.m. / Rm. 15


Unity is an unconventional  group focused on friendship, connection, and community in a laid back supportive environment. We enjoy our coffee while visiting with friends, planning to participate in church events, or family get togethers. 

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry

This group is made up of students, parents, youth workers, and staff that help guide and direct the vision for the Youth programs here at Trinity. The team meets once a month and is open to anyone. 


Youth Service

Youth Service

The youth at Trinity are involved in mission projects throughout the year. They regularly engage in short term projects in the community as well as annual service projects. These experiences take the youth to both urban and rural settings such as Baton Rouge, Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago, and rural Tennessee—just to name a few. The youth also serve as student leaders every year during our Vacation Bible Camp.


Connect with us and stay informed.


Life Lessons

Wed. / 6:30 p.m. / Rm. 215

Life Lessons

This is a small group that examines a variety of topics including parenting, mindfulness, finance, and more. All are invited to attend whatever sessions they choose. This group meets Sept.-April during the school year.

Bible Studies

Tues. / 6:30 p.m. / Rm. 102

Bible Studies

Disciple Bible Studies are focused learning opportunities offered throughout the year. Several different study series take a deep dive into the Bible. Contact the church for more information.

Tai Chi Class

Tues. & Thurs. / 5:30 p.m.

Tai Chi

We offer a variety of opportunities for health and wellness by hosting Tai Chi classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

A minimal fee is charged for each class session. 

Support Groups

Support Groups

Our Support Groups offer a safe, comforting, and encouraging environment for those who are touched by cancer or grief. Visit our Support Groups page for more information.


Mon. / 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 


Our Men's and Women's Emmaus groups seek to develop leaders for the Church. Emmaus inspires, challenges, and equips participants for Christian action. Members are those who have experienced the Christian retreat called “The Walk to Emmaus." 

Young Adult

Sun. / 9:45 a.m. / Rm. 15


Unity is an unconventional  group focused on friendship, connection, and community in a laid back, supportive environment. We enjoy our coffee while visiting with friends, planning to participate in church events, or family get togethers. 


Connect with us and stay informed.

Trinity events and announcements