Ruach Class
Ages 30 +
Ruach Class
This is a group of all ages, married and single, who want to spend time with God’s word and are interested in exploring what it means to us today. A variety of materials are used to guide in this process.
Seekers Class
Ages 60 +
Seekers Class
Most class members have children who are young adults. Their studies vary from contemporary religious problems, to Bible studies, to discussion of pertinent books.
Doers Class
Ages 70 +
Doers Class
Various teachers lead the class in Bible studies and exploration of social and personal issues as they relate to the Scriptures. Class activities include a class auction and social events.
Koinonia Class
Ages 60 +
Koinonia Class
Members have diverse interests and backgrounds and meet for prayers and support as well as study. We are always looking for new members with new ideas.
Genesis Class
Ages 45 +
Genesis Class
This class is composed of career adults, singles, and married couples. Many class members share a common interest in their high school and college-aged children and their work, exploring faith at home and work.
Serendipity Class
Ages 30 +
Serendipity Class
The members of this class explore theology and current issues. Children of class members range from middle school through young adults. Both singles and married couples attend this discussion-oriented class.
Unity Group
Ages 20-40
Unity Group
Unity is an unconventional group focused on friendship, connection, and community in a laid back, supportive environment. We enjoy our coffee while visiting with friends, planning to participate in church events, or family get-togethers.